الاثنين، 25 يونيو 2012

Energy From Moving Water

Hydropower Basics

Energy From Moving Water

Image of the water cycle. Solar energy heats water on the surface, causing it to evaporate.

This water vapor condenses into clouds and falls back onto the surface as precipitation.

The water flows through rivers back into the oceans, where it can evaporate and begin the cycle over again.
Source: National Energy Education Development Project (Public Domain)
Image of how a hydropower plant works.
The water flows from behind the dam through penstocks, turns the turbines, and causes the generators to generate electricity.
The electricity is carried to users by a transmission line.
Other water flows from behind the dam over spillways and into the river below.
Source: Tennessee Valley Authority (Public Domain)

Hydropower Generates Electricity

Hydropower is the renewable energy source that produces the most electricity in the United States. It accounted for 6% of total U.S. electricity generation and 63% of generation from renewables in 2011.

Hydropower Relies on the Water Cycle

Understanding the water cycle is important to understanding hydropower. In the water cycle:
  • Solar energy heats water on the surface, causing it to evaporate.
  • This water vapor condenses into clouds and falls back onto the surface as precipitation (rain, snow, etc.).
  • The water flows through rivers back into the oceans, where it can evaporate and begin the cycle over again.
يلا افهمو يا عباقرة الانجلييش ^_^


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